Costa Rica Kids is a child sponsorship program that travels to remote and low income areas in Costa Rica, providing children who want to attend school with the uniforms, shoes, backpacks and supplies they need.  Our missionaries in Costa Rica, Lana and Jonathan developed and lead this program which is now run almost exclusively by Costa Rican volunteers and supported by Canadian sponsors for all 1,000+ children!

Commitments to sponsorship varies from year to year and new sponsors are always needed!  Please consider this as a way to support a valuable missions project and make a huge difference in a childs life.  Sponsorship is just $125 a year.

We have more details for you!
Become a prayer partner or sponsor a child.
More Info Sponsor a Child

In addition to the child sponsorship for uniforms and school supplies, the team also has a keen focus on discipleship.  Each family recieves one on one interviews, prayer and encouragement.  Visits to the communities throughout the year with workshops and individual meetings place a focus on their relationship with God and contributions to their community.  Each family is required to do a little community service in exchange for the uniforms and supplies.  As a result, the communities have changed and the families take pride in what they have accomplished and how they have added to the value of their community.  Small house churches have popped up as a result of new believers beginning to gather together!

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