We believe that every Canadian Foursquare Church has someone who has a heart for missions who can serve as their designated Missions Mobilizer.

This individual would connect regularly with a CFM Committee Coordinator to be updated and pray for Missions. 

They would look to connect with their Pastor on important missions updates and share those with the church family in a variety of ways.

These individuals will learn how to identify those in their church who are hearing the call to missions. 

Mobilizers would coach and nurture that call through relationship, connection, encouragement and prayer. 

Additionally Mobilizers would encourage giving and provide financial updates when appropriate.

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Who comes to mind?

If you or someone you know would fit this role for your church, please apply below.

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Your Canadian Missions Mobilizers

If your Church is not represented, check with your Pastor and nominate someone! We have about 60 Canadian Foursquare Churches - our goal is to have 60 Mobilizers by the end of 2024

Audrey Hunt
Summit Foursquare Church
Kimberley BC
Jody Thomas
North Battleford Foursquare Church
North Battleford SK
Funso Idowu
Grace & Glory Foursquare Church
Calgary AB
Margot Watson
Durham Foursquare Church
Durham ON
Paul Ramirez
Prince George Foursquare Church
Prince George BC
Alejandra Cantillo
New Vida Fourquare Church
St. Catharines ON
Jason van Ek-Veenstra
Parkside Foursquare Church
Mission BC
Harrison Pride
In House Church
Surrey, BC
Lynn Appelt
Courts of Praise Foursquare Church
Saskatoon, SK
Steven Delamatter
Life Together Foursquare Church
St. Catharines, ON
Greg Nelson
Northside Foursquare Church
Coquitlam BC
Kimberly Wardell
Family Worship Centre
Beamsville, ON
Margo Greiner
Kingsway Church
Burnaby BC
John Fleck
Cornerstone Foursquare Church
Calgary, AB
Diana Hurren
Skyway Chapel
Stoney Creek, ON
Lori Girard
Hillside Church
Airdrie, AB