Canadian Foursquare Missions is making an impact

When processing your giving, make sure you click the correct drop-down option as you have several choices other than General Missions.

Support Missions - Monthly Support Missions - One Time Gift
We all can play a role in the Great Commission.

For some, extravagant giving is a calling. 

With funds received, we have impact all over the world and can send more missionaries, support designated projects and care for our current missionary families.  

Even the smallest of donations makes a large impact - we steward it all carefully and honour your generosity.

If you want to support a missionary, please consider giving a monthly amount if you are feeling called to be a giver at this time.  (A lot of small amounts add up significantly for them!)  Each missionary family is raising their own support through partnerships with people and churches across the country.
All the generous giving we receive for missions is stewarded through our CFM (Canadian Foursquare Missions) Committee with oversight by our National President and Board. 

Donation Policy

Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada is committed to use all funds designated for a specific project to that end. However, if that project is no longer viable, or if the financial needs of the project have been fully met, Foursquare will use the gift at our discretion for another project.