Canadian Foursquare Missions (CFM) sends missionaries from Canada into nations all around the world.

Those who go out as CFM missionaries go under one of two categories:

Missionary Specialist or Associate Missionary.

All of our Missions Personnel are self funding which means they raise their own funds through partnerships with individuals and churches.

NOTE: To be considered for deployment with CFM, missions personnel must attend and/or serve in a local Foursquare church.

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Missionary Specialist

Missionary Specialists are considered short-term missionaries that serve under two years. Missionary Specialists follow the same deployment process as Associate Missionaries however do not have to acquire a Missionary Ministerial License. But can if it is required and approved. 

There are many different ways to go on the field as a Missions Specialist.  Check out some of the different options - it might just fit your specific calling and gifting.  Explore the many ideas and options by clicking the button below.

Specialist Roles
Associate Missionaries

Associate Missionaries are Long Term Missionaries that serve for more than two years and are usually full time. 

Associate Missionaries will need to acquire a Missionary Ministerial License from Foursquare in addition to the normal deployment requirements. 

Prospective Missions Application Meet our Associate Missionaries
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