
  • Allows members to make e‐transfer donations to the church through their personal online bank platform.
  • Church will need to provide detailed instructions to church members for transfer steps. See E‐Transfer Help Sheet (for Church Members) for example.


  • is done through the CIBC Convenience Card and online business banking.
  • Contact Person is Dana at the national office, dana@foursquare.ca for Convenience Card setup.
  • Once the convenience card is initialized please see E‐Transfer Help Sheet (for Church) for instructions.


  • Funds are not automatically deposited into the church account at time of online payment, but are held in transit until account details are provided by the church. At this point any account details may be used for funds to be deposited in.
  • Foursquare policy requires that a minimum of 2 people be present when counting any offerings.
  • In order to ensure that security measures are in place for proper receiving of donations and the church is able to meet the requirements of the 2 person policy the following steps are to be taken:
    • When setting up the E‐transfer it requires an email address in which confirmations are sent to notify of donations. It’s highly recommended that a separate email address is created to receive these confirmations. Example: donate.church@_______. This will ensure emails are not overlooked or lost in other emails.
    • Set up the email option to forward emails automatically to 1 or 2 other email accounts as directed.
    • Those receiving the forward emails would then be responsible to confirm and reconcile their emails with the person receiving the transfer into the church bank account.


There is no cost to the church, but members may be charged a fee for each transfer by their bank.