On receipt of an APPLICATION FORM, the FBP Administrator will calculate the required monthly premium and then advise the employer of the amount to deduct from salary and the amount to be paid by the employer. Our agreement calls for half of the premium to be deducted from salary and half to be paid by the employer.
Premiums for the entire Group are invoiced by Manulife to the FBP Administrator for full months and are billed and payable for the current month. An invoice for each plan member will be sent to the church for premiums billed for the month.
If premiums are not paid within the specified time, the employer is jeopardizing the coverage of the employee and this may place the employer in a position of liability with the employee and/or their dependents or beneficiaries.
The monthly contributions are forwarded to the FBP Administrator at the National Office, by cheque, made payable to the FOURSQUARE BENEFIT PLAN or via Online Bill Payment. Many churches have employees participating in both the Pension Plan and Group Insurance Plan. All payments can be included in one monthly payment.
A copy of the MONTHLY PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION FORM for cheque payment can be downloaded and should be photocopied as needed. For an Online Bill Payment please use this REMITTANCE FORM and send to donations@foursquare.ca